Future of Work
Why Soft Skills Matter More Than Ever

In today's fast-paced work world, it's not just about what you know - it's about how well you can work with others. This is where soft skills come in. They're the people skills that help us communicate, solve problems, and get along with our coworkers. And guess what? These skills are becoming more important than ever before.

Why Soft Skills Are Taking Center Stage

You might think that technical skills are all you need to succeed at work. But research tells a different story. A study by Harvard University, the Carnegie Foundation, and Stanford Research Center found that 85% of job success comes from having good soft skills. Only 15% comes from technical know-how (National Soft Skills Association). That's a big difference!

The Skills That Really Matter

So, what are the soft skills that employers are looking for? Here are the top three:

  1. Communication (25% of employers say this is most important)
  2. Problem-solving (21%)
  3. Time management (19%)

Interestingly, company leaders think creativity is the most crucial skill. This shows that being able to think outside the box is highly valued at the top (Yang).

Technology and Soft Skills: An Unexpected Pair

You might think that with all the new technology, soft skills would become less important. But it's the opposite! As AI and other technologies take over more routine tasks, our human skills become even more valuable. In fact, 71% of people believe soft skills will be just as important, if not more so, in the future (Yang).

Working from Home? Soft Skills Are Your Secret Weapon

With more people working from home, soft skills have become super important. When you're not in the same room as your coworkers, being able to communicate clearly and work well with others becomes crucial. These skills help you connect with your team, even when you're miles apart.

Soft Skills: Your Ticket to a Long-Lasting Career

Soft skills don't just help you in your current job- they set you up for long-term success. They give you what experts call career durability (Castrillon). This means you can adapt to changes and keep learning throughout your career. In a world where jobs are always changing, this ability to adapt is priceless.

How Colleva Can Help

At Colleva, we understand how important these soft skills are. That's why we offer a range of pre-built scenarios to help you develop and practice these crucial skills.

  • Giving and Receiving Feedback
  • Individual Development
  • Manager Development
  • Colleva Real-Time

Giving and Receiving Feedback

These scenarios focus on fostering a culture of constructive feedback. We cater to both individual contributors and managers, helping them master the art of giving and receiving feedback in professional settings. The goal is to promote open, effective communication.

Individual Development

For individual contributors, we offer targeted scenarios to enhance key professional skills. These include adaptability, communication, influence, negotiation, and advocacy. Our approach aims to foster comprehensive personal growth.

Manager Development

Those transitioning into leadership roles or seeking to enhance their management skills will find these scenarios particularly valuable. We provide realistic practice in team development, performance reviews, conflict resolution, and resource management.

Colleva Real-Time

Need to prepare for a specific high-stakes interaction? Our AI-powered tool can analyze your performance and give you feedback on both what you say and how you say it.


In today's workplace, soft skills are more important than ever. They help you communicate better, solve problems creatively, and adapt to change. By developing these skills, you're not just preparing for your current job - you're setting yourself up for long-term success in your career.

With Colleva's tools and scenarios, you can practice and improve these crucial skills in a risk-free environment. So why wait? Start building your soft skills today and get ready for the future of work!


  • Castrillon, Caroline. “Why Soft Skills Are More In Demand Than Ever.” Forbes, 18 Sep. 2022. Read Article.
  • Lau, Yolanda, et al. “Soft Skills Are Essential to the Future of Work.” Forbes, 20 Jan. 2021. Read Article.
  • “The Soft Skills Disconnect.” National Soft Skills Association. Visit Website.
  • Yang, Greg. “The Soft Skills That Matter to Employers.” Poets and Quants for Undergrads, 27 Aug. 2023. Read Article.

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3. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur. Lectus ac eleifend in convallis imperdiet. Amet tortor lorem odio proin dolor. Convallis dolor posuere vitae pellentesque.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur. Lectus ac eleifend in convallis imperdiet. Amet tortor lorem odio proin dolor. Convallis dolor posuere vitae pellentesque nulla rutrum sit. Quam aliquet a arcu iaculis sit fringilla eu. Tortor tortor amet nunc non odio posuere convallis ut. Massa risus orci enim arcu. Sit platea pharetra purus aliquet proin. Ac gravida id sit odio. Tempor posuere tellus iaculis in enim scelerisque non amet id. Egestas nisl risus placerat quis euismod hendrerit ac. Condimentum at quam nunc adipiscing urna facilisi leo. Turpis senectus posuere laoreet tellus hendrerit faucibus platea blandit sed. Nibh feugiat felis felis sem urna volutpat eget turpis amet. Lorem auctor egestas diam imperdiet.

  1. Lorem ipsum, “Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur. Lectus ac eleifend in convallis imperdiet. Amet tortor lorem”
  2. Lorem ipsum, “Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur. Lectus ac eleifend in convallis imperdiet. Amet tortor lorem odio proin dolor. Convallis dolor posuere vitae pellentesque”
  3. Lorem ipsum, “Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur”