Employee Insights
Get 10x more actionable information out of your employee surveys and review processes while drastically reducing manual work

Realistic, interactive, and engaging employee interviews with a lifelike avatar

Conversational feedback gathering and insights based on AI-enabled follow-up questioning

Easy to analyze findings across standardized output files for integration into workflows

Build a consistent, easy to implement feedback and review cycle

  • Performance reviews
  • 360 reviews
  • Stay interviews
  • Exit interviews
  • Pulse interviews

Get instant, personalized, and actionable reports

Automatically generate summaries of interviews with detailed transcripts

Easily synthesize information across users in consistent formats

Edit and submit reports in a manner consistent with company practices

Oversee deployment and receive insights on efficacy

Manage users from an intuitive admin panel built by industry experts

Gain visibility into reviews conducted and overall status at a glance

View report outputs and quickly iterate and adjust interview questions

Harness AI for your Feedback and Review Processes

Our AI-enabled avatar-led interviews engage participants,
responsively tailor questions, and synthesize feedback
Colleva Insights
Colleva Insights
Our AI enabled avatar-led interviews engage participants, responsively tailor questions, and synthesize feedback into actionable findings.
  • 360, Stay, Exit, and Performance Review interviews

  • AI-enabled follow-up questioning for deeper insights

  • Easy customization and deployment

  • Automatically generated summaries of interviews with detailed transcripts

Easily survey staff and quickly get a pulse across the organization more efficiently
Access consistent reporting and synthesize findings across standardized outputs
Reduce the burden of written review processes and time spent conducting feedback sessions

Learn more about Insights Interviews

Interview Library
Insights Interviews
  • Performance reviews
  • 360 reviews
  • Stay interviews
  • Exit Interviews
  • Pulse interviews
See Our Interviews in Action
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For more details on our interview library and rollout support, please enter your email
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Harness AI for your Feedback and Review Processes

Our AI-enabled avatar-led interviews engage participants,
responsively tailor questions, and synthesize feedback
Colleva Insights
Colleva Insights
Our AI enabled avatar-led interviews engage participants, responsively tailor questions, and synthesize feedback into actionable findings.
  • 360, Stay, Exit, and Performance Review interviews

  • AI-enabled follow-up questioning for deeper insights

  • Easy customization and deployment

  • Automatically generated summaries of interviews with detailed transcripts

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